At KTSR sabers we ship to the entire Mexican Republic. It is worth mentioning that there are some restrictions on certain products, and these cannot be sent to border destinations.
When you create a purchase order, we will estimate shipping based on the destination address.
Our shipping included "Standard" does not include merchandise insurance, therefore if at any point a problem arises with the package (which happens unexpectedly and by chance, such as external theft, natural disaster, etc.) designated by the system, KTSR sabers is not responsible for it, since the responsibility lies directly with the parcel company, both in its logistics, transfer and delivery.
Our "Plus" shipment includes merchandise insurance, therefore the merchandise is protected with up to 40% of the cost of the product with the parcel designated by the system, KTSR sabers will proceed with the corresponding procedures for insurance coverage, the delivery time The answer will depend directly on the parcel company.
In particular cases and of not having insured the package (which happens unexpectedly and by chance, such as external theft, natural disaster, etc.) KTSR knows and the parcel company will not proceed with the compensation. It will only proceed if the package was insured.